Google Play Service Download For Android Free
With Google Playservices, your app can take advantage of the latest, Google-powered features such as Maps,Google+, and more, with automatic platform updates distributed as an APK through the Google Playstore. This makes it faster for your users to receive updates and easier for you to integrate thenewest that Google has to offer.
How it works
The Google Play services client library
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The client library contains the interfaces to the individual Google services and allows you toobtain authorization from users to gain access to these services with their credentials. It alsocontains APIs that allow you to resolve any issues at runtime, such as a missing, disabled, orout-of-date Google Play services APK. The client library has a light footprint if you useProGuard as part of your build process, so itwon't have an adverse impact on your app's file size.
If you want to access added features or products, you can upgrade to a new version of the clientlibrary as they are released. However, upgrading is not necessary if you don't care about newfeatures or bug fixes. We anticipate more Google services to be continuously added, so be on thelookout for these updates.
The Google Play services APK
The Google Play services APK contains the individual Google services and runs as a backgroundservice in the Android OS. You interact with the background service through the client libraryand the service carries out the actions on your behalf. An easy-to-use authorization flow is alsoprovided to gain access to the each Google service, which provides consistency for both you andyour users.
The Google Play services APK is delivered through the Google Play Store, so updates to the servicesare not dependent on carrier or OEM system image updates. In general, devicesrunning Android 4.1 (API level 16)or later and have the Google Play services app installed receive updates within afew days. This allows you to use the newest APIs in Google Play services and reach most of thedevices in the Android ecosystem. Devices older thanAndroid 4.1 or devices without the Google Play services appare not supported. Download scrabble mobile game for blackberry phone.

The benefits for your app
Google Play Services For Android 5.1 Free Download
Google Play services gives you the freedom to use the newest APIs for popular Google serviceswithout worrying about device support. Updates to Google Play services are distributedautomatically by the Google Play Store and new versions of the client library are deliveredthrough the Google Maven repository.This makes it easy for you to focus on what's important: your users' experience.